Rear view mirror with embedded backup monitor

Give drivers a better field of view while reversing. Increase safety by displaying passengers during onboarding and off-loading.

2 in 1 mirror/monitor for better driver visibility


Reduce the risk of accidents when reversing

bus safety icon

Automated Safety for Buses

The camera view is activated when the operator shifts into reverse.

bus visibility and safety icon

Increase Visibility

Gain a wider field of view with convex mirror options.

bus passenger safety icon

Increase Passenger Safety

Compatible with onboard camera systems. Dual View Assist can be used with door cameras to monitor passenger onboarding and off-loading.

Expand your view

  • Great in any light
    Able to process images in all lighting conditions including nighttime, and low light scenarios.
  • 2-in-1 Mirror Monitor
    View a single or up to four camera views right within the mirror.
  • Multiple mirror options
    Choose from 10×7 convex, 8×16 flat, and 8×16 convex mirrors.

Recommended for Fixed Route BusesParatransit BusesSupervisor Vehicles

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