
CASE STUDY: Learn How Hopkins Public Schools Improves Safety Outside the Bus

New, Advanced Technology Keeps Students From Crossing the Road When Danger is Deemed Present

Hopkins Public Schools earned a significant return on investment from the Predictive Stop Arm® (PSA) within months of implementing. During an unloading procedure, a vehicle advanced in spite of the flashing lights and extended stop arm. The PSA alerted a student to stay back – away from danger. The PSA kept the student from harm

Download the case study to learn how Hopkins Public Schools use the PSA alongside stop arm cameras for a comprehensive approach to student safety outside the bus.

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“The child never stepped out in the street to begin with.”

– Derrick Agate, former Transportation Supervisor of Hopkins Public Schools, Minnesota

One Accident is One Too Many

The Safe Fleet Predictive Stop Arm® (PSA) uses radar and predictive analytics to monitor oncoming vehicle traffic for probable stop arm violations. A combined PSA and Stop Arm Camera solution would focus on keeping students safe today, but would also help alter motorist behavior for the greater long-term good of students.

Download our case study to learn how your school district can reduce student risk from stop arm violations and increase safety outside the bus.