Child Injury and Fatality from School Bus Stop-Arm Violations
How do we really drive the numbers down? We need to face some very hard facts. We are becoming more and more distracted. Our children are, and will continue to be in harm’s way, as we add more cars, more drivers and distraction to our daily lives: unless we [...]
6 Challenges Fleet Managers Solve Using Wireless Downloading
The more often you remove and reinstall media, the more you run the risk of damaging the media. Can you accept that you might find yourself without video backup when you need it most? But not all fleets that use video surveillance systems choose wireless downloading as part of [...]
3 Free Tools (And One Low-Cost One) Small School Districts Should Consider to Manage Bus Fleets
We love talking with transportation staff at small school districts. Sometimes our calls with Transportation Directors get interrupted because of the many hats these Directors wear. A recent example: the Transportation Director had to end a call to start a troublesome lawnmower. At another district, we discussed routing plans [...]
Turn the Danger Zone into a Safety Zone – See New Safe Fleet Solutions at NAPT
Visit us in booth 629 to learn how we can help you change the danger zone into a safety zone. We’re excited about this year’s NAPT Annual Conference and Tradeshow and looking forward to continuing conversations about Danger Zone Safety. NAPT Executive Director, Mike Martin’s recent email to NAPT [...]
Back-to-School Safety Zone Checklist
360 degrees of Safety around the School Bus64% of the school-age pedestrians fatally injured in school-transportation-related crashes in the last decade were struck by the school buses themselves. (NHTSA, Traffic Safety Fact Sheet, 2017)Two deadly contributors to these preventable accidents are:1) Driver Distraction and2) Vehicle Blind spotsWhether we are drivers, [...]
A New Approach to tackling School Bus Route Operations
The safety of students and drivers underscores every step a school bus transportation department makes. What happens outside the bus is just as important as what happens inside — often more so as the majority of fatalities and injuries happen outside the bus.How does Route Operations Planning factor into the [...]
Moving from Paper to Digital with School Bus Route Planning Software
5 Easy Steps to get School Bus Route Management off your Walls During a weekend with my young nephews, I was surprised to learn that they didn’t know how to hand write in cursive. When I asked why, they answered that they type out their homework on computers, and [...]
Six Low Cost Ideas for School Bus Driver Appreciation
Finding and keeping good school bus drivers is one of the biggest challenges facing school transportation today. 90% of fleets reported a driver shortage in School Bus Fleet Magazine's 2017 annual survey of school district fleets. And driver retention strategies are always a hot topic at every industry conference. [...]
Top 3 Reasons to Wirelessly Download Bus Surveillance Video
Yesterday I was running late for a meeting and saved the file I was working on to a USB drive. Or so I thought. Later, when I went to review my work, I discovered it was gone! All those hours of work – wasted. Normally we save files to [...]
5 Things That Should Be on Your Back-to-school Safety Checklist
Are you safety-ready for the new school year? The end of August and the start of September are quite a hectic time for transportation departments and school administration. Summer vacation time take us out of our normal operation schedules, so a quick reminder of important safety precautions is always [...]
Planning for Stop Arm Camera Success
Seon has been providing mobile surveillance systems and fleet management solutions to school districts across North America for almost two decades, and over the years our customers have cited that camera system reliability and image quality are the key factors they continue choosing Seon solutions over any other vendor. [...]
5 Best Practices for Reviewing Your Video Surveillance Footage
Having the right video at your fingertips when you need it can solve a lot of problems: exonerate an innocent driver from a false accusation, address discipline and bullying issues on board, resolve incidents. So, how do you ensure that the important video footage is always there, available on [...]
Driver Recruitment and Retention Best Practices: Switzer-Carty Transportation
90% of school districts and school transportation companies across North America have experienced a driver shortage. Strict industry regulations, safety concerns, low wages and sometimes even negative public perception of driving buses keep people from entering the field. At the same time, school transportation faces a high turnover rate [...]
Video Surveillance Footage Review – Best Practices
One of the key pain points when it comes to surveillance footage is the volume of requests for video. Once video has been used to successfully exonerate a driver from a false accusation, or school administrators have used it to solve student discipline issues, these requests can become overwhelming. [...]
How to Choose the Right Digital Video Recorder (DVR) for Your Bus Video Surveillance System
We’re often asked for our advice on how to choose the best digital video recorder for mobile video surveillance applications. With multiple bus capacities and layouts and video coverage requirements, it can be a tricky exercise. To help you make the right choice, we’ve put together a simple guide [...]
Three Reasons You Need a Bus Video Surveillance Policy
Video surveillance systems are a great tool for ensuring student and driver safety on school buses. But having cameras installed on your buses without a well-defined video surveillance policy is a recipe for disaster, leaving your school district open to potential lawsuits or privacy complaints. Here are three reasons [...]