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Last Updated: Jan 9, 2024 | Views: 705 | Categories: Blog, Fleet Video Systems, School Bus, Transit | 464 words | 2.3 min read |

3 Ideal Scenarios for High-definition Bus Cameras

High-definition (HD) cameras have been used for many years in the fixed surveillance world to help deliver sharper, clearer images, and are particularly useful in identifying fine details. Recently, HD cameras have made in-roads in mobile surveillance applications, and have a number of features that can benefit a school or transit fleet.

With 1280 x720 resolution (three times the resolution of a typical analog camera), HD cameras can deliver a sharper and cleaner picture and allow you to digitally zoom to get a better look at the scene. These HD cameras, specifically designed for mobile environments, use progressive scanning to produce smoother images, reducing motion blur artifacts from moving vehicles. HD cameras have a complete digital signal flow from camera to recorder, reducing the signal noise and improving overall image quality. With these technical benefits, here are 3 specific scenarios where HD bus cameras can be most useful:

1.      License plate capture

HD cameras using a telephoto lens can capture the license plates of vehicles illegally passing a stopped school bus. Zeroing in on the license plate using the digital zoom feature produces a higher quality image due to the higher resolution of HD bus camera. The extra sharpness and clarity of the HD cameras make them the ideal solution for capturing license plates of cars illegally passing the bus, even at high speeds.

Vehicles driving in HOV or bus lanes are a problem for public transit buses. A forward-facing HD camera with a wide angle lens can capture the license plates of cars driving in the bus lane in front of the bus. This camera offers a 90 degree field of view, giving an exceptional, wide-angle overview of the scene ahead while capturing license plates of cars in front of the bus.

2.      Accident reconstruction

When a bus is involved in a traffic accident, crash investigators often look to video footage to see what took place outside of the bus.  Whether it is a minor traffic accident, ora more serious incident involving pedestrians, video footage captured by a forward-facing HD camera provides sharp evidence to reconstruct the accident. A wide-angle view of the scene coupled with vehicle telemetry data, such as braking and signals, can aid in identifying who was at fault. This can help school districts or transit agencies avoid hefty litigation costs or insurance bills.

3.      Identify faces more clearly

The higher resolution and cleaner images captured by HD cameras make identifying faces much easier. Obtain the visual evidence needed to determine who is at a bus stop and who boards the bus. Unfortunately, in today’s public transit and even school bus environment, crimes happen. High-quality images can help in the identification of the guilty parties and can be used as evidence for prosecution.

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