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Last Updated: Jun 6, 2024 | Views: 1795 | Categories: Blog, Passenger & Pedestrian Safety, School Bus | 721 words | 3.9 min read |

5 Ways to Reduce the Risks Associated with Illegal Passing

Illegal passing is a reckless act that puts innocent lives at risk. Children trying to get to or from school are vulnerable to distracted drivers who break the law by not stopping for a school bus.

Just a couple of weeks ago, in North Carolina, two children narrowly escaped tragedy when an SUV tried to illegally pass a school bus[1]. The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) reported that 51,593 vehicles illegally passed a school bus during the 2021-2022 school year[2].

This risk is a common and constant occurrence.

The consequences of illegal passing can be devastating: fines, license suspension or revocation, and – most critical of all – even tragedy.

Ensuring our roads are safe for our children is the responsibility of institutions and individuals alike. We need to work together to make sure drivers show the care and consideration students deserve to reduce risk.

By doing so we can prevent senseless accidents and keep our communities safe.

What can be done to prevent illegal passing tragedy?

1. Raise awareness.


Spreading the word saves lives! Raising awareness about the life-threatening risks of illegal passing of school buses is a great way of educating our community. We can educate drivers on the importance of stopping for school buses by:

  • Launching impactful public awareness campaigns.
  • Using the power of social media.
  • Engaging with our local communities and their programs.

We all have a role to play. By educating drivers and advocating safer roads, you can make a real difference and prevent unnecessary tragedy.

2. Keep enforcing the law & increase penalties.

Keep enforcing the law! We must continue to take swift and decisive action against drivers who engage in illegal passing of school buses. And let’s back those efforts with greater penalties for violators.

In Minnesota, drivers that illegally pass a stopped school bus face a $500 violation ticket and can face criminal charges if their act is deemed to involve a child/children.

Holding drivers accountable with heavy penalties not only makes our roads safer for everyone but also reinforces this powerful message: The safety of our children is non-negotiable.

3. Use technology.


Leverage the power of technology to protect student lives! Many school districts are already using innovative technologies to reduce the impact of the illegal passing epidemic in the US.

Our own Illegal Passing Suite, comprised of a high-visibility stop arm, Driver Alert Device, Predictive Stop Arm®, and a Stop Arm Camera, provides a comprehensive and all-encompassing solution to heighten visibility that the bus is stopped. The suite also proactively warns students of imminent danger and helps enforce best driver behavior.

By using cutting-edge technology, we can ensure drivers that put students at risk are held accountable and – most importantly – help to greatly reduce the risk to our children.

4. Improve infrastructure.


Keep investing in the safety of our children! In some areas, road infrastructure can be improved to increase safety for school buses and students. This can involve adding safety features such as:

  • Crossing guards.
  • Traffic signals
  • Speed bumps in school zones.

It’s proven that these essential upgrades help prevent accidents, reduce risk and make our roads safer for everyone. Demanding the necessary resources to make these improvements a reality is a must.

5. Encourage safe behavior.


Promote a culture of safety for our children.

Teach and encourage students to practice safe behavior on their journey to or from school:

  • Be alert of their surroundings when getting on and off the bus.
  • Wait for the bus to completely stop before approaching.
  • Cross the street in front of the bus at a safe distance.

Educating children about the perils of illegal passing and the ways they can avoid danger empowers them, and – it can save their lives.

Reducing the risks of illegal passing is a community effort that must be tackled on many fronts.

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